Monday, May 16, 2011

Red Brick Brown Ale

Today I tried Atlanta Brewing Company's Red Brick Brown Ale. Picked it up at EarthFare, a local organic/specialty grocery store. A six pack was reasonable enough at $9.99. ABV is 6.00%.

Appearance: A deep amber. Not nearly as much head as in the picture and it doesn't hold or lace well.

Smell: I get a generic toffee/caramelish stout-type smell, light hint of fruit. Not really a lot going on in the aroma actually.

Taste: Toffee/licorice/chocolate and a lot of overly sweet malt. It's a little too intense in this respect, almost like a bad stout. I want to taste figs, plums, maybe green apples, but it's too bitter and alcoholic after the first hit to really taste anything. Doesn't clean up in a refreshing way like a brown ale ought to.

Mouthfeel: A little too heavy in my opinion for what it's trying to accomplish. Carbonation is below par. It's too sticky and hangs around longer than it needs to. I'm surprised it's only 6%, as it feels stronger.

Overall: C+

I don't regret buying it, but I won't be buying it again. I feel like it definitely missed the mark as a brown ale. I wouldn't want more than one, even at the low ABV.

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